Finally, here's a picture of the gorgeous quail CSA member Sarah Ducich made with Green Fence Farm Quail and our spinach. She writes:
This picture was taken on my blackberry, so it is a little blurry.It is Grilled Quail with Pancetta, Ricotta Pudding and Sicilian Breadcrumbs. The green is GFF spinach-yum! The recipe is from a cookbook Kate gave me for christmas a few years back, "Sunday Suppers at Lucques" by Suzanne Goin.
I found a link to an LA Times story that included this recipe, though I warn you it is full of annoying adds. I have a hard copy from another blog posting, but it is long and I didn't want to put it here, lest it take up all the space and you never get to the quail egg post next. The link is:
the only problem with prepare this recipe, is that you have to hunt many of this tiny birds to cover a big family, in the case of the guest is the same, anyway there's many of this birds.