Sign up now for Green Fence Farm’s pastured poultry seminars this summer. All day, on-farm experience for the hobby farmer or small farm wanting to get into the lucrative pasture raised egg and meat business. Covers everything from the economics of feed, housing, equipment, and

sales to butchering to specialty fowl and rabbits. Seminars run from 10 AM – 4 PM several Saturdays and Sundays through the summer. Read more in the document I really hope I attached
And you urbanites, you don’t have to want to raise chickens to enjoy this day on the farm. You’ll get an up close (or as up close as you want – you don’t have to attend the butchering segment) look at how we raise our meat and eggs. And you get lunch!

loving itself becomes easier. That's daily the choice. Either cling to memory of the fence and fear or care without knowing the future. Some days I still do the former, but, at the moment, I'm working on the latter.building a chain link fence